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7 octobre 2008 2 07 /10 /octobre /2008 20:10

La nouvelle a fait l'effet d'une bombe : John McCain renonçait à faire campagne dans le Michigan car, selon lui, la cause était perdue !!

Le Gop (et même Sarah Palin) ont décidé de ne pas laisser tomber l'état. Plusieurs associations du Gop et NewsMax ont lancé une campagne pour que le candidat Républicain n'abandonne pas un pouce de terrain à Obama. Car on le sait, la moindre voix perdue sera terrible !!

Extrait de NewsMax :

Immediately following the news reports about McCain's decision to pull resources from Michigan, his own running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin was telling Fox News Channel's Carl Cameron, "Oh, come on. You know, do we have to? Do we have to call it there?"  Palin has announced she and her husband Todd are willing to go to the state and save it for the campaign.

McCain's Michigan campaign Chairman, Chuck Yob, told Palin in an email that he agreed - and that the state of Michigan must be fought for by McCain/Palin supporters.  Here's an excerpt from that email:


"I wholeheartedly agree with you that the
decision by the McCain campaign to pull out of Michigan was the wrong decision.


We have all been wrong at times, and I think this is a decision that will be corrected in a couple of weeks.  We were ahead three points as of a week ago according to MRG, a polling firm that I trust more thanany national pollster.

I talked to Michigan Republicans and McCain supporters on a conference call last night and they vowed to redouble their efforts."

We here at the Our Country Deserves Better Committee are going to stand in support of her and make the state as much "in play" as we can.

We will be conducting 8, yes - EIGHT, rallies in support of the McCain/Palin ticket and opposing the Obama/Biden ticket in cities across America in our upcoming national "Stop Obama" Tour. 
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